Linda A Drake
Linda A Drake
MJE Beginning/Introductory Journalism Newspaper/Newsmagazine Honors Level Journalism/Media Production News website Photography Yearbook
Linda Drake, MJE, is the publications adviser at Chase County Jr.-Sr. High School. Drake received the Kansas Associated Collegiate Press Engel Award in 1999 and was inducted into the Kansas Scholastic Press Associationís Hall of Fame in 2009. Drake has received both the Special Recognition and Distinguished Adviser awards from the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund. She has been honored with the CSPAís Gold Key Award and the NSPAís Pioneer Award as well as the JEAís Teacher Inspiration Award and the Medal of Merit Award. In 2008, Drake was named the JEA National Yearbook Adviser of the Year. She teaches at many summer workshops and is a speaker for the NSPA/JEA fall and spring conventions. She served on the NSPA Board of Directors for six years and served as JEA secretary for two years. Drake is currently serving on the JEA Awards Committee. She served five years as president of the Kansas Scholastic Press Association, serving on the board 1995-2015 and 2017-2021. Drake has taught in Chase County for 50 years. She has
Chase County Jr/Sr High School