Kathryn Page-Lippsmeyer
Kathryn Page-Lippsmeyer
Literary Magazine Newspaper/Newsmagazine Honors Level Journalism/Media Production Beginning/Introductory Journalism Mentee
Dr. Kate Page-Lippsmeyer joined Geffen Academy at UCLA in 2020-2021 as an English and Journalism Educator in the Upper School. Dr. Page-Lippsmeyer earned her doctorate in East Asian Languages and Cultures in 2016 from the University of Southern California, where she most recently served as a postdoctoral teaching fellow. Prior to that, she was a visiting assistant professor of comparative literature at UC Riverside. She brings an expansive depth to the English Department, having taught courses in world literature, world film, science fiction, and literary research. Her particular expertise is in East Asian literature, philosophy, media, and culture, and she is eager to introduce our students to both classic and contemporary works from Japan, Korea, and China. Though not an Olympic athlete herself, she did enjoy living in the dormitories for the 1964 Games while studying in Tokyo.
Geffen Academy at UCLA