Rejoin JEA
Thank you for restarting your JEA membership.
If your School/Business does not appear in the list, please complete this New School/Business Form so we can verify the contact information and add it to the list. This may take up to two business days. You may continue with the membership application without listing a School/Business.
If you are wanting to pay by PO or check, your membership will not become active until payment is made.
This application for is for individual members. If you are representing a public or private library; regional, state or national press association; department of journalism in community college or university whether public, private or parochial; commercial press association, book, yearbook, magazine or newspaper publisher; firm, organization or agency engaged in the production of graphic arts or advertising; television or radio station; or educational or philanthropic foundation, please complete this form for institution or affiliate membership.
Contact or 785-532-5532 with any questions.