Jefferson Lipsky
Jefferson Lipsky
Broadcast Honors Level Journalism/Media Production Yearbook News website
I teach social studies at a small international school with an American curriculum in Daegu, South Korea. We are a WASC accredited international school. Our core subjects use Common Core standards and I use ISTE standards for the media classes I teach but I am interested in using JEA standards instead. I teach Journalism, Yearbook, and Video Production. I advise the school news site in an after school program, too. I attended the Media Now conference in St. Louis during summer 2018 and loved it. I am interested in joining JEA to learn and network with a large professional community of media educators, and learn best practices to run my media classes and clubs, and to grow and improve each year. This is my 15th year of teaching media-related classes.
Daegu International School 22